Sunday, October 28, 2012


旅行社安排的廉价缅甸游,只在南部仰光附近游玩。其实,缅甸的 Inle Lake, Bagan 和‘ Mendaya 才是著名的旅游胜地。然而,由于路途颠簸又遥远,廉价旅游配套肯定不安排这些景点。倘若,旅程包含以上景点,那么旅费肯定昂贵,因为必须乘搭飞机前往。

这趟旅程,我只去了仰光, Bagan , Inle 和 Tauggyi。

Bagan 去 Inle 和 Inle 去仰光的路称各长达15个小时左右,路程非常颠簸。倘若你对此旅程有兴趣但又买不起飞机票,一定要作好心理建设。

当我决定从印度的Varan啊si 搭车去尼泊尔时,一位西马男生给予我郑重的提醒:路程极度艰辛困苦。然而,我较后发现此路段与砂罗越的“高速公路”, 路面状况大同小异。半岛的居民架惯了高速公路,所以有此看法。 当我大车从菲利宾马尼拉向巴纳威前进时,同车的中学生哭了,她们觉得山路太崎岖,太危险, 但我觉得还行。

然而,Bagan 去 Inle 和 Inle 去仰光的路真的让我不停地跳了十多个小时的舞,比以上所及的两个路程,辛苦的太多了。呜呼哀哉!

在飞往仰光一的飞机上,便遇上大好人, Nay Myo Say. 不仅请我去作客,还载我去旅店休息。真是好人到处见,愿主大大赐福他们。

仰光:可游大金光塔。还有Sakura Train 美金一元,任搭火车游仰光。

                                        Money  money
                                         Eat at the street. They used hand to mix the noodle!!

                                                    Domestic cosmetic : Takeshi (sound like Japanese Name)

                                                 Tauggyi Balloon festival
                                                Balgan: heritage city
                                               Inle Lake

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Liar : Inle Lake tourist agent

 This man work in Malaysia for almost ten years and can speak Malay language. He told me it was the peak season and so I cannot get the price in lonely planet. Since he can speak Malay and seem to be a devoted Buddhist, therefore I trusted him. After that, I realized he was cheating. Very disappointed and I argued with him. He turned his 'kindness' to ugly face.
Don't trust this tourist agent nearby Inle Lake. They charged me 5 times than the normal tourist price. I

Semi Gobi 4th and 5th day

While Reach and I arrived Tulgaa's ger. No one at home. Both of us just were eating and waiting inside his ger. They didn't lock their ger!! Reach just simply opened cupboard and took out biscuit to eat. haha
After one hour Tulgaa and his son came home, so Reach left. I just realized that Tulgaa's wife was not at home. I was horrible to sleep with the father and son in one ger. I wanted to go back to Reach's ger since it was not too far. Nevertheless, language barrier fail my request. I prayed so hard and scare.
However after few hours, I realized that the father and son were kind and good man. We had a lovely night in the ger. We chat (gesture) and I enjoyed Tulgaa singing very much.
In the midnight, I opened the door and knocked a goat outside the ger. Since it was raining, the goats all gathered around the ger.
                                             The Horse has a hair cut...handsome
                                          Tulgaa is singing!

                                                        From Tulgaa ger..look outside

Semi Gobi 3rd day

After luuch, Galaa sent me to Reach Tumee by camel

There were three gers for Tumee family. Three brothers stayed in different ger.
I enjoyed to play games with Reach nephew and niece who stayed at next ger.
I met two Japaneses and their horrible rude guide here.
I arrived the ger at the afternoon, Reach let me sleep on a bed.(There were only two beds in the ger) However, a female guide lead the two Japaneses here in the evening and she wanted me to sleep on the floor with her guests and she was going to sleep on the bad. I didn't move my step, I told her it was too cold to me to sleep on the floor , I need blanket. Nevertheless, she argued that I could use my sleeping bag. I explained that I was from Malaysia, I could not stand the cold. She was very unhappy and blamed me to respect Mongolia culture. I wonder Mongolia culture is letting the guest to sleep on floor without blanket. Luckily, Reach agreed that I should sleep on the bed. At this moment, the impolite guide turned her ugly face to the Japaneses and spoke in gentle tone :'Do you need extra blanket? The temperature may drop dramatically at night.". Ugly woman! Money Face!

The second morning, while we had breakfast together. She took away the peanut jam that put in front of me and asked me to try the jelly jam. I told her I prefer peanut jam but she just took it and put it near to her. Stingy and ugly woman! I didn't want to spoil my mood in early morning so I just went out to finish my bread.

                                     Reach's wife and daughter
                                                         Look outside from ger
                                          Play game with Reach. Goat, Sheep, Cow and Horse
                                         Why eat me?
                                            The little girl and boy who always played with me

Semi Gobi 2nd day

After living one day with Terbish' family. The second day, Terbish sent me to Galaa's ger by horse. My hip was hurt for the two hours journey. My foot also get bruise. oooooohhhhoooo

Galaa's family is richer. They have many horses, goats some camels too. I met four young backpackers from Germany here. They stayed in another ger. I stayed with the family :)

                                                Fresh milk. Use the cow shit to cook..hahaha

Semi Gobi 1st day

Ger to ger program
1st Day
I took a bus to Elsen Tasarkhai Semi Desert. Terbish was waiting for me.
This is the poorest family that I met for the ger to ger program. Please give them more gifts if you met this family. Three persons in one family only. The little girl was lovely. When we played card game, she always let home win, I didn't understand the rule though.

They have few horses, few cows but not have any goats. They were very friendly and kind.  

                                   This little girl will hug you tightly on the first day!
                                          She likes to sing.

5 children, 1 wheel chair.A lovely family travel around the world

I met a family with five children, the youngest may be one years old..the eldest is less than twelve years old in Gana guesthouse. What a lovely family!
They travel around the world with a big group with laughter. I really love this family, I never talk to the parents though.
After coming back from Mongolia, I found their blog.. it is amazing and touch my heart so much.
If you have time, please read this

Friday, October 26, 2012

friends I met in Mongolia

19 August 2012
After 50 hours ( from Bulgan, Khovd to Ulaanbataar) on a crowded van, I finally arrived Mongolia in the evening. It was raining and windy, I planned to take a bus to town but Burma told me only taxi service was available. I was exhausted and therefore she sent me to Gana Guesthouse with a taxi.
After taking bath, I slept dead to the world. It was a freezing night.

20 August 2012 – 2 September 2012
I woke up early in the morning and met my ger mate, Rudy and his friend SuHo. While I was still freezing in the summer time in Mongolia, they claimed that raining cause the temperature surged down. I hide in my blanket till noon and get a little bit warm, then I went to the city for a walk. It was still too cold to me. Therefore, I went back after few hours wandering in the town city.
This evening, I met my ger mate, Christian Mikkelson. Although SuHo was not staying in my ger, he always came to look for Chris. Since it was too cold to go outside, I really appreciated their company..chit chat inside the ger. SuHo is a charming Korean guy and always laugh. Chris is totally different. Although he is muscular, he always smile shyly, talked softly. He is the most tidy backpacker I have ever met. All of his stuffs were well organized, even when he was sleeping; his bed and blanket were in tidy condition. I can’t imagine how does he sleep, I wonder have he ever move his body during sleeping. I slept and woke up earlier than him. Every morning, I saw him lying gentling on his bed with a blanket seemed just be ‘ironed’! While I laughed, he smiled; I talked loudly, he answered softly; my bed was messy, his bed was tidy;  He really inspired me to behave as a lady but it is too difficult for me. hahaha

The last night I was at the guesthouse, I put my luggage beside another bed since I thought it was not occupied. In the midnight, I heard / maybe dream someone slept in Chris bed instead of the bed where my luggage located. Maybe he thought Chris bed was not occupied since it was so tidy. I was not sure I was dreaming or???  Nevertheless the next day my luggage came back to my bed side and Chris left his email address for me. Maybe he helped me to move the luggage..I had no idea..and I forgot to ask him.
p/s Chris, if you read this article, please tell me what happen that night...I was dreaming or ???..I can't remember..don't tell me Ghost moved my luggage.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

北疆之旅 2012 年8月

88-9          吐鲁番
经过36个小时的折腾,终于抵达吐鲁番葡萄城。虽是夜晚但火焰山之城非浪得虚名,气温仍维持40 度摄氏以上。所幸是干热,不至于汗流浃背。
810-11     乌鲁木齐


813-14     禾木
目前, 禾木仍是一个山明水秀的村落,但拥挤的游客正慢慢咀嚼她的美,清纯的小女孩正一步步走向沉沦。傍晚,在图瓦人家作客,吃了丰富的一餐。谢谢彭彬的宴客,可惜已经失联。
湖夜宿蒙古包 。蒙古包装饰精致典雅,可惜厕所太远太脏。

815           喀那斯 (Kanas)

Bus to Yagoon Airport

There is no bus stop outside the airport, bus 51 only stop outside the junction, then you need to walk around 1 km to the airport.
Take bus 51 at the town center (Mahabantula), near the church.

1. Tell the bus driver (around 200) drop you at the airport, the bus will dropped you here.

2. walk to the --->  until you see this building (5 minutes walk)
3. turn into the junction / airport road..walk around 10 to 15 minutes , you will see this
4. walk again and arrive (maybe 10 to 15 minutes)
I did it on November 2011.
Good luck

Burma Cheap Accommodation and comments


Yagon Guesthouse
-with shared bathroom
- no breakfast
- the guesthouse owner cannot speak English but friendly
Yangon to Bagan
15000 Kyat
The road condition is fine

Gordan Myanmar Guesthouse
Lanmadaw, Bagan-Nyaung U Main Road, Nyaung U
-with shared bathroom
- The guesthouse owner can speak Mandarin and English
9, 10/11/2011
Remember Inn
Haw Street, Nandawon Quarter
Nyaung Shwe, Southern Shan State
US 6 / per person
(4 persons in a room)
-with bathroom
- The guesthouse owner speak fluent English
Inle to Yangon
16000 Kyat
The road condition is TERRIBLE
Gygsn Inn only sold ticket with 15000 kyat
Mahabandola Guesthouse
453-459 Mahabandoola Road (corner with 32nd st)
US 4
-with shared bathroom
-no breakfast
- The guesthouse owner can speak English